Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Genius of Matthew Mead

REALLY? Can it be???? I really won the contest? Imagine my bigger surprise when it mentioned my blog.....that I haven't updated since I went back to work full time a year and a half ago!!! Thank you thank you thank you Matthew for creating this beautiful print! You really are stuff I heart! .....and now to remember how to post :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I wish I'd lived there

The book club I belong to recently finished reading Anne of Green Gables. I wish I'd lived in that magical place and time.

Yes, I know it is a made up story, but Prince Edward Island is real and L.M. Montgomery's flourishing depictions left me longing to have lived there. I also would very much have loved to be friends with Anne Shirley. What a delightful character! A true friend, a firm believer (and make-believer) and fiercely loyal to her family. What a lovely thought....

Several years ago I watched the mini series featuring Megan Fallows on PBS. I loved it so much that I bought the videos (okay, maybe it was more than several years ago). I think it's time to drag them out and give them another whirl.

Anne of Green Gables...definitely stuff i heart.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cupcakes in a jar

Cupcakes???? In a jar??? Are you serious???

I saw these little beauties yesterday while poking around here. I suppose I should order some to make sure that I truly do heart them...right?

I am, for sure, going to order some for birthday gifts for friends though. What a clever, unique gift! I'll be the best friend ever, and that's something to heart too...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

Yummy Baked Goods

I love a yummy baked good. Gimme chocolate croissants, maple long johns, brownies....okay, just about anything from a bakery.

Imagine my sheer joy when my love of baked goods and quilting miraculously came together with this darling website.

You can "cook" to your hearts calories involved!