Thursday, March 26, 2009


I heart snow days! No where to go....nothing to do. Just a warm fire, jammies all day, cookies and hot cocoa!

We haven't had one for two winters now and, frankly, that's just wrong. We are going to make the most of it! In fact, last night, in anticipation of just this very occurrence, I got three dvd's from the redbox (ooooh, that's another post) and I intend to watch them ALL...maybe more than once!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Decorating Cents

I don't watch too much tv in general, and when I do it's mostly HGTV. I heart watching all those great decorating shows and pretending that I'm actually going to do some of those great (and cheap) projects. HA! But it's all about the dreaming, right?!

My favorite one is Decorating Cents and I tend to get a little cranky if I have to miss it (in fact, I am creating this post during its commercials).

Clever stuff, cheap stuff and stuff I heart....what a great combination.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy O'Hearting

I think that in a former life, I must have been Irish. I don't exactly believe in former lives, but somehow I must have some green blood in me somewhere because I love Saint Patricks Day. Not to mention that my favorite color is green....that alone makes me Irish, right?!

Due to my particular hearting of this day, the Leprechauns decided to visit our home for some merry mischief last night. They left a trail behind them that elicited "ooh's and aah's" from even the teenagers. Not bad.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Orla who?

I found this neat little tutorial the other day and ran straight to Target, then on to Jo-Ann fabric. Three hours later, I had me a darling little this!

Thanks, Jill. I super-heart my tote!


Oh gravy! Can you stand how great this is? You can find it (and more) here. Yeah, where else did you expect....okay, other than possibly Etsy. But a handmade chair? C'mon people :)

My heart just might burst if I don't put this in my living room.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

dead computer

so, so sad. computer is off to be fixed and I can't describe my hate affair with the desktop pc.

be back to the hearting soon....but I just can't heart this computer.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Simply "Marvel"ous

In addition to the aforementioned magazines, I am pretty addicted to bags....handbags, totebags, reusable grocery bags (c'mon, they're a dollar!) cool shopping bags. You name the type of bag and I love it...unless it's bags under my eyes. Those I don't heart so much.

My current obsession is from this neat little company Jane Marvel

This one is the "satchel" (my personal fav) and, seriously, it holds tons. But if you don't need it to hold tons, it does a great job of just looking good. What's not to heart?

Monday, March 2, 2009

fashion advice's been a few days since I posted last. We had a whirlwind weekend around here with lots of fun family action, but I am back in the groove and ready to heart some more stuff.

Today while cruisin' the net I came across this little beauty.

Domestic Fashionista has some great ideas and tutorials for fashioning up your home. I got a few new ideas to get my creative juices flowing again and can't wait to hit my craft/sewing room.

As you know, I heart crafting very much, so this new blog will be a great addition to my loooooong list of favs.